Sunday, April 18, 2010

Description of painting:
The 'Box Of Love' mentions about how strong my love is towards my mom. The two roses represents me and her. The torns represents all the pain but the beautiful flower represents how amazing she is. The trees and the bird is saying that I love her in every single way. The lock represents me and the key is her.

Every love is like the wind
Every memory is like the star
I'll kiss when there's sadness
I'll miss her when she's far
If I could find a box
That's as big as the universe
I would put something special
And she would be the first

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Suhaimi's poem and painting

Since the first picture is blur, ihave put up close-ups..

Poem: Mom, what are you?

Mother, what does it mean?
A caregiver, a cook
a lover or talking notebook?

Mother, why is she here?
To scold us,to pamper us
or just here to love us?

Mother, why must you love me?
Are you forced to,
or God told you to
or just because it's in you?

Mother, I don't care what is your answer.
What matters is, I love you♥

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I-M-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N-I-S-M paintings

This are some examples of impressionism paintings, the meaning of impressionism is the practice of expressing or developing one's subjective response to a work of art or to actual experience.

Taken from: google


POEM-A tribute to my mother

My painting is about my mother encouraging me and telling me not to dwell and also the flag is the flag i invented that represents the flag of a land filled with my mother's love that i belong in. as for the bell it is the fury bell which does not ring even when i fail my tests.

If you had a mother like mine,
you will grow up very fine.

If you had a mother like mine,
you will know how to walk in a straight line.

Even though you always nag,
it just shows that you care.

Even if the sky falls,
i know that you will answer my calls.

Even if i did not do well,
you will not ring the fury bell,
you will comfort me and tell me not to dwell.

Mother all i want to say is

Done By: Fong Mei Xuan

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poem : Tribute to my mother

This picture show me my mum spending quality time together.

You are the best
Far better than the rest.
You understand my tears
And soothe my fears.
You mean a lot to me
I love you Mum!

By : Vania

Poem: A tribute to My mother- CaiTing ;)

I don't want any
or to be a lone-y.
My Mother knows what just right for me,
she showered love to me.
She has no more love left now,
as its in my heart now.
Thanks mother for what you have done.
I love you.


Click photo

Watercolor Painting Tips

The process for successful watercolor painting, is to avoid the areas to be left white and apply the lightest washes first, gradually working your way towards darker washes. Try to cover large areas fairly loosely in the early stages of the painting, applying tighter detail towards the end.

There are a few things to remember to maintain color harmony throughout your painting.

Limit your palette

Dipping into twenty different colors spread around your palette is tempting but usually results in a discordant, muddy work. Limit your colors to just two or three, particularly in the early stages of a painting.

Foreign colors

How often do you look at a painting and see an area of colour that doesn’t seem to fit? The remedy to this problem is simple, introduce more of the discordant colour to the rest of the painting.

Tie up color

A few fine calligraphic lines in a harmonious color will usually tighten up a disjointed color arrangement. Use a #1 or 2 liner brush or pen and ink. It is important to use just one color for these lines or you run the risk of adding to the confusion. If you use ink, a fine spray of water quickly after the ink is applied, will soften the lines and create some interesting feathering effects.

Darks Avoid neutral darks - a painting will have more life and character if the darks tend to either warm or cool.


For a painting to be successful the centre of interest should be obvious and well positioned. Avoid placing the centre of interest in the middle of a painting (either horizontally or vertically) unless you are after a static, formal composition.
Keeping the centre of interest an unequal distance from each side helps position it correctly. Breaking the horizontal and vertical axis roughly in the ratio of 1:2 will also help to place the centre of interest.


A painting filled with carefully laboured detail from one edge to the other can be difficult to look at. If you like to work with fine detail, consider including some areas of relief.

Credits: ( John Lovett-Watercolor & Mixedmedia Artist )

-CaiTing ;)


Credits : Google
Photo Collage

Credits : Google


Simile - a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.

Metaphor - a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance.

Personification - A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form.

Rhyme - a word agreeing with another in terminal sound

Credits :